Good evening ... Now we will discuss how Auto Bot Comment How to Make Friends in all status on Facebook. Previously I would like to make thank's Mas Burhan on its coding. Okay, just go to the topic. To makeFacebook Bot Auto Comment , we must have an application called Facebook, which we will take the APP ID and SECRET KEY her. If you do not have please make here .
Next, prepare the necessary equipment:
Here Source komen.php it:
To komen.txt please fill in your statuses, unlimited free.
With a capital of only two files, we can run the bot auto a powerful comment nempelin our comment to all our friends latest status on facebook. Tapiii ...There tapinya pemirsah, we can not modify ( add the date, hour, etc. ) we will comment contained in the file except komen.txt ( polosan). Well for that I am trying to tooling Utik again, and Thank God also bearing fruit. Can modify the comment to us later with frills steeled date and time or another, we need to add some supporting files and modify them slightly komen.php file.
To add hour, day, date and signature on each of his comment, Add the following code in the file rantex.php
Next, prepare the necessary equipment:
- Hosting PHP Support
- Facebook the latest SDK (search on google with the keyword aja "Newest Facebook SDK")
Here Source komen.php it:
<? Php
/ *
Created by H4n * 10 01 * 2012
* /
require ' / src / facebook.php ';
$ facebook = new Facebook (array (
'AppID' => ' 400819139956xxx ', / / replace fire idmu
'secret' => ' 890a1407ed10fafee4bcb8017a927xxx ', / / replace fire secretmu
)); $ user = ' 1000000xxxxxxx ': if (! empty ($ _GET ['com'])) { $ komene = $ _GET ['com']; } else { $ words = file (" komen.txt "); $ isine = $ words [array_rand ($ word)];$ komene = $ isine; } / / Get All Friends $ get_friend = array ( 'method' => 'friends. get ', 'callback' =>'', 'flid' =>'', 'uid' => $ user ); try { $ friends = $ facebook-> api ($ get_friend); } catch (FacebookApiException $ e ) {} if (is_array ($ friends)) { foreach ($ friends as $ uid) { / / Get Stream Per User $ get_stream = array ( 'method' => 'stream.get', 'viewer_id' => $ user , 'source_ids' => $ uid, 'limit' => 1, ); try { $ stream = $ facebook-> api ($ get_stream); } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {} if (is_array ($ stream [posts ] [0])) { if (strcmp ((string) $ stream [posts] [0] [actor_id], (string) $ uid) == 0) { if ($ stream [posts] [0] [likes] [can_like] == true) { $ isokomen = array ('method' => 'stream.addComment', 'uid' => $ user, 'comment' => $ komene, 'post_id' => $ stream [posts] [0] [post_id], ); try { / / echo '<pre>', print_r ($ dikomen), '</ pre>';echo 'hacked by you!'; / / print_r statuse sidekick id $ get_stream = $ stream [posts] [0] [post_id]; $ friends = $ stream [posts] [0] [actor_id]; if ($ friends == $ uid) { if (file_exists ("$ uid")) { $ check = fopen ("$ uid", 'r'); $ str = fgets ($ check); fclose ($ check); if (! empty ($ str) && ($ str! = $ get_stream)) { $ dikomen = $ facebook-> api ($ isokomen); } } $ log1 = fopen ("$ uid", 'w'); fwrite ($ log1, $ get_stream); fclose ($ log1); } } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {} } } } } } ?>
/ *
Created by H4n * 10 01 * 2012
* /
require ' / src / facebook.php ';
$ facebook = new Facebook (array (
'AppID' => ' 400819139956xxx ', / / replace fire idmu
'secret' => ' 890a1407ed10fafee4bcb8017a927xxx ', / / replace fire secretmu
)); $ user = ' 1000000xxxxxxx ': if (! empty ($ _GET ['com'])) { $ komene = $ _GET ['com']; } else { $ words = file (" komen.txt "); $ isine = $ words [array_rand ($ word)];$ komene = $ isine; } / / Get All Friends $ get_friend = array ( 'method' => 'friends. get ', 'callback' =>'', 'flid' =>'', 'uid' => $ user ); try { $ friends = $ facebook-> api ($ get_friend); } catch (FacebookApiException $ e ) {} if (is_array ($ friends)) { foreach ($ friends as $ uid) { / / Get Stream Per User $ get_stream = array ( 'method' => 'stream.get', 'viewer_id' => $ user , 'source_ids' => $ uid, 'limit' => 1, ); try { $ stream = $ facebook-> api ($ get_stream); } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {} if (is_array ($ stream [posts ] [0])) { if (strcmp ((string) $ stream [posts] [0] [actor_id], (string) $ uid) == 0) { if ($ stream [posts] [0] [likes] [can_like] == true) { $ isokomen = array ('method' => 'stream.addComment', 'uid' => $ user, 'comment' => $ komene, 'post_id' => $ stream [posts] [0] [post_id], ); try { / / echo '<pre>', print_r ($ dikomen), '</ pre>';echo 'hacked by you!'; / / print_r statuse sidekick id $ get_stream = $ stream [posts] [0] [post_id]; $ friends = $ stream [posts] [0] [actor_id]; if ($ friends == $ uid) { if (file_exists ("$ uid")) { $ check = fopen ("$ uid", 'r'); $ str = fgets ($ check); fclose ($ check); if (! empty ($ str) && ($ str! = $ get_stream)) { $ dikomen = $ facebook-> api ($ isokomen); } } $ log1 = fopen ("$ uid", 'w'); fwrite ($ log1, $ get_stream); fclose ($ log1); } } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {} } } } } } ?>
To komen.txt please fill in your statuses, unlimited free.
With a capital of only two files, we can run the bot auto a powerful comment nempelin our comment to all our friends latest status on facebook. Tapiii ...There tapinya pemirsah, we can not modify ( add the date, hour, etc. ) we will comment contained in the file except komen.txt ( polosan). Well for that I am trying to tooling Utik again, and Thank God also bearing fruit. Can modify the comment to us later with frills steeled date and time or another, we need to add some supporting files and modify them slightly komen.php file.
- Komen.php ( Same code as the code above it, cuman changed slightly to change its source of content )
- komen.txt ( File that contains the status-status you will, free of any kind should not be filled, the more will be more varied )
- bersih.php ( This file is in charge memebersihkan comments from code or characters that are not desired )
- rantex.php ( This file is in charge of making random komen.txt content of the file, once you can add any frills including the time and date in this file)
<? Php
/ *
Created by H4n * 10 01 * 2012
* /
require 'sdk / src / facebook.php'; / / adjust the paths
$ facebook = new Facebook (array (
'AppID' => '4168989xxxxx1 ', / / replace fire idmu
'secret' => '1899i9dijij8909xxxxxxx ', / / replace fire secretmu
)); $ user = '159900000xxxxx '; / / replace with your UID if (! empty ($ _GET ['com'])) {$ komene = $ _GET ['com']; } else { $ word = ""; $ komene = file_get_contents ($ word); } / / Get All Friends $ get_friend = array ( ' method '=>' friends.get ', 'callback' =>'', 'flid' =>'', 'uid' => $ user ); try { $ friends = $ facebook-> api ($ get_friend) ; } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {} if (is_array ($ friends)) { foreach ($ friends as $ uid) { / / Get Stream Per User $ get_stream = array ( 'method' => 'stream.get', 'viewer_id' => $ user, 'source_ids' => $ uid, 'limit' => 1, ); try { $ stream = $ facebook-> api ($ get_stream); } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {}if (is_array ($ stream [posts] [0])) { if (strcmp ((string) $ stream [posts] [0] [actor_id], (string) $ uid) == 0) { if ($ stream [posts ] [0] [likes] [can_like] == true) { $ isokomen = array ( 'method' => 'stream.addComment', 'uid' => $ user, 'comment' => $ komene,'post_id' => $ stream [posts] [0] [post_id], ); try { / / echo '<pre>', print_r ($ dikomen), '</ pre>'; echo 'hacked by you!'; / / id statuse friend print_r $ get_stream = $ stream [posts] [0] [post_id]; $ friends = $ stream [posts] [0] [actor_id]; if ($ friends == $ uid) { if (file_exists ("$ uid ")) { $ check = fopen ("$ uid", 'r'); $ str = fgets ($ check); fclose ($ check); if (! empty ($ str) && ($ str! = $ get_stream)) { $ dikomen = $ facebook-> api ($ isokomen); } } $ log1 = fopen ("$ uid", 'w'); fwrite ($ log1, $ get_stream); fclose ($ log1); } } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {} } } } } } ?>
/ *
Created by H4n * 10 01 * 2012
* /
require 'sdk / src / facebook.php'; / / adjust the paths
$ facebook = new Facebook (array (
'AppID' => '4168989xxxxx1 ', / / replace fire idmu
'secret' => '1899i9dijij8909xxxxxxx ', / / replace fire secretmu
)); $ user = '159900000xxxxx '; / / replace with your UID if (! empty ($ _GET ['com'])) {$ komene = $ _GET ['com']; } else { $ word = ""; $ komene = file_get_contents ($ word); } / / Get All Friends $ get_friend = array ( ' method '=>' friends.get ', 'callback' =>'', 'flid' =>'', 'uid' => $ user ); try { $ friends = $ facebook-> api ($ get_friend) ; } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {} if (is_array ($ friends)) { foreach ($ friends as $ uid) { / / Get Stream Per User $ get_stream = array ( 'method' => 'stream.get', 'viewer_id' => $ user, 'source_ids' => $ uid, 'limit' => 1, ); try { $ stream = $ facebook-> api ($ get_stream); } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {}if (is_array ($ stream [posts] [0])) { if (strcmp ((string) $ stream [posts] [0] [actor_id], (string) $ uid) == 0) { if ($ stream [posts ] [0] [likes] [can_like] == true) { $ isokomen = array ( 'method' => 'stream.addComment', 'uid' => $ user, 'comment' => $ komene,'post_id' => $ stream [posts] [0] [post_id], ); try { / / echo '<pre>', print_r ($ dikomen), '</ pre>'; echo 'hacked by you!'; / / id statuse friend print_r $ get_stream = $ stream [posts] [0] [post_id]; $ friends = $ stream [posts] [0] [actor_id]; if ($ friends == $ uid) { if (file_exists ("$ uid ")) { $ check = fopen ("$ uid", 'r'); $ str = fgets ($ check); fclose ($ check); if (! empty ($ str) && ($ str! = $ get_stream)) { $ dikomen = $ facebook-> api ($ isokomen); } } $ log1 = fopen ("$ uid", 'w'); fwrite ($ log1, $ get_stream); fclose ($ log1); } } catch (FacebookApiException $ e) {} } } } } } ?>
<? Php function bacaHTML ($ url) { / / initialize the CURL $ data = curl_init (); / / setting cURL curl_setopt ($ data, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ data, CURLOPT_URL, $ url); / / run the CURL to read the contents of file $ result = curl_exec ($ data); curl_close ($ data); return $ result; } $ isine = bacaHTML (''); $ clean = explode (' <b> ', $ isine) $ clean = str_replace ("document.write (", "", $ clean); $ clean = str_replace ("other widgets", "", $ clean); $ clean = str_replace ( "<br />", "", $ clean); $ clean = str_replace (");", "", $ clean); echo "$ clean [0]"; ?>
<? Php
$ textfile = "komen.txt";
$ items = file ("$ textfile");
$ item = rand (0, sizeof ($ items) -1);
echo $ items [$ item];
< br /> <br />
appendage embelnya Add it here.
$ textfile = "komen.txt";
$ items = file ("$ textfile");
$ item = rand (0, sizeof ($ items) -1);
echo $ items [$ item];
< br /> <br />
appendage embelnya Add it here.
To add hour, day, date and signature on each of his comment, Add the following code in the file rantex.php
<? Php date_default_timezone_set ('Asia / Jakarta "); echo date (" H: i: s ");?> PM - <? Php echo date (" l, d FY ");?> | Bot Comment
keren bkognya sob
Widodo: Thank's :D
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